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Amata Congratulates CSM Tobin on Promotion to: Senior Enlisted Leader of the Defense Logistics Agency

May 27, 2015


Washington, D.C. – Wednesday, Congresswoman Aumua Amata, "I want to congratulate Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Charles M. Tobin on his new assignment as the Senior Enlisted Leader of the Defense Logistics Agency," stated Amata. "His leadership and dedication to our nation and its ideals serve as a stellar example to all Samoans. I also want to congratulate his family and specifically his daughter Kayla and grandson JJ who were in attendance at the ceremony today. I know that their continued support have been a central guiding light in his service to the nation, and for that we thank them," concluded Amata.

CSM Tobin will work for Lieutenant General Andy Busch as they team up to run one of the largest organizations in the Department of Defense consisting of over 27,000 civilians and military personnel providing logistics support to U.S. military units worldwide.

CSM Charles Tobin, his daughter and Aumua Amata at the ceremony

CSM Charles Tobin, his daughter and Aumua Amata at the ceremony

CSM Tobin, who hails from the villages of Lotopa, Samoa and Pago Pago, American Samoa first joined the U.S. Army in 1983 and attended Basic Training at Ft. Jackson, SC. During his 32 year career, CSM Tobin was stationed around the globe, including stints in Germany, South Korea, California, Hawaii and several combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

The many awards that CSM Tobin has earned over the course of his illustrious career include the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, the Defense Meritorious Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, and is also a recipient of the Distinguished Order of Saint Martin for the Quartermaster Regiment and the General Brehon B. Somervell Medal of Excellence.

As the Senior Enlisted Leader of the Defense Logistics Agency, CSM Tobin will be responsible for implementing the agency's mission of – "providing the military services and other federal agencies with logistics acquisition and technical services, including logistics information, material management, procurement, warehousing and distribution of spare parts, food, clothing, medical supplies and fuel, reutilization of surplus military material, and document automation and production."

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Ave le Fa'amalo e Faipule AMATA ia Satini (CSM) Tobin i lona Si'itaga e fai ma Ta'ita'i Sinia o le Vaega o Fa'amaumauga a le Puipuiga

I le si'itia o se tasi o alo o Samoa i se tulaga maualuga i totonu o vaega'au a le Malo Tele sa saunoa ai le Faipule o le Konekeresi le afioga a Aumua AMATA e fa'apea: "E fia fa'ao'o le fa'amalo ia Satini (Command Sergeant Major (CSM) o Charles M. Tobin i lona tofiga fou o le Senior Enlisted Leader o le Vaega e gafa ma le vaaiga ma le fa'atauina o oloa ma le fesuiaiga o tagata faigaluega a le Puipuiga (Defense Logistics Agency). E avea ma fa'ata'ita'iga i tagata uma o Amerika Samoa lana ta'ita'iga ma le ofoina atu o lona soifua i lo tatou malo o se matati'a maualuga. Ou te avatu fo'i le fa'amalo i lona faletua, aemaise lona alo tama'ita'I o Kayla ma si ana tama o JJ sa auai uma i le sauniga i le aso. Ou te talitonu o la latou lagolagosua fa'aauau ua avea ma sulu sa totonugalemu ma ta'ita'ia ai lana tautua i le malo, ma o lea e momoli atu ai le fa'afetai tele ia i latou."

O CSM Tobin, e mai afioaga o Lotopa ma Pago Pago, na mua'i auai i le Ami a le Unaite Setete i le tausaga e 1983 ma auai i aoaoga ma toleniga amata i Ft. Jackson, i SC. I le 32 tausaga o lana tautua sa tiute ai Tobin i atunu'u eseese o le lalolagi, e aofia Siamani, Korea I Sauta ma Kalefonia. Sa tautua fo'i o ia i tafa i Iraq ma Afghanistan.

Mai le tele o fa'ailoga sa maua e Tobin e i lana tautua lauiloa e aofia ai, le Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, ma le fa'ailoga o le Distinguished Order of Saint Martin mo le vaega o le Quartermaster Regiment ma le Medal of Excellence a General Brehon B. Somervell.

I lona tofiga fou ua i ai nei (Senior Enlisted Leader of the Defense Logistics Agency, o le a gafa CSM Tobin mo le fa'atinoina o le misiona a le vaega o le – tu'uina atu o tautua fa'amiliteri ma isi vaega a le malo tele i le tulaga i fa'amaumauga o oloa le tufatufaina ma le tausia, o faleteuoloasi'iatoa ma le fa'asoasoaina o totoga o masini, taumafa, lavalava, oloa o vaila'au mo togafitiga fa'afoma'i ma suau'u, ma le toe faaaogaina o oloa totoe a le militeri, fa'amaumauga."

O le a galue fo'i fa'apa'aga CSM Tobin mo Lieutenant General Andy Busch e la te fa'atautaia le fa'alapotopotoga aupito tele i le Matagaluega o Puipuiga e aofia ai le silia i le 27,000 tagata sivili, tagata militeri e lagolago vaega'au i fa'amaumauga ma le fa'asoasoaina o oloa ma tagata faigaluega a le militeri i itu eseese o le lalolagi.

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